Want to volunteer, intern, or donate to climate justice? See below for my running list of climate justice organizations locally and more broadly. I’ll be adding more on Native renewable energy soon.
Minnesota Region:
Honor the Earth (indigenous sovereignty and environment) http://www.honorearth.org/
Indigenous Environmental Network (alliance of Indigenous Peoples to protect Mother Earth) http://www.ienearth.org/
Native Sun: Community Power Development – just won $6.7 million from Department of Energy for an inter-tribal EV charging community network from Minneapolis to Standing Rock and Red Lake! https://www.nativesun.org/
Solar Bear: only Native owned solar company in MN, employs formerly incarcerated folks through its Just Solar Returning Citizens Initiative. https://solarbear.earth/
COPAL – Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Acción Latina (Communities Organizing Latinx Power and Action) https://copalmn.org/en/home/
MN 350 (climate justice) https://www.mn350.org/
Climate Generation (education and community empowerment) https://www.climategen.org/
RREAL – Rural Renewable Energy Alliance (making solar accessible) https://www.rreal.org/
CEED – Center for Earth Energy and Democracy http://ceed.org/
Fresh Energy (renewable energy policy) https://www.climategen.org/
Community Power (equitable access to clean energy) http://www.communitypowermn.org/
Women’s Environmental Institute (environmental research and retreat center) http://w-e-i.org/
Sunrise Movement (young people stopping climate change) https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ (Minneapolis chapter)
More Broadly:
Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network LIKEN (network for scholarly/community collaboration to build economic futures based on local assets, values, and vision) http://likenknowledge.org/
Rising Voices (annual conference building relationships and practices for intercultural science) https://risingvoices.ucar.edu/
Idaho and California Region:
The following are organizations my interviewees work with. Please support their good work!
350 Santa Barbara, 350 Idaho, & 350.org
Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability
Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment
Central Coast United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE)
Environmental Affairs Board, UCSB
California Student Sustainability Coalition
California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), UCSB
Community Environmental Council
Sierra Club Santa Barbara & Sierra Club Idaho